I am currently sitting on the couch while Miles does an ab workout next to the Christmas tree.
I'm the one who should be doing the ab workout due to the fact that I ate an entire family sized bag of potatoes chips by myself in the last 24 hours....but whatever.
I got a job a few weeks ago! I am the newest member of the Integrated Dentistry team. I am a dental assistant for an awesome russian holistic dentist. I am really loving it, but my back hurts.
Matt Miles is currently taking over the auditing world at Ernst & Young. He got business cards with his name on it....so....he's a big deal.
We are really tired when we get home from work, so we usually watch Gilmore Girls and eat lots of gram crackers and frosting on the couch. I used to do that a lot before we got married, but now it's much more fun because we do it together.
& that is an update on our current life. It is good.
We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Mout Timpanogos temple.
It was simple and beautiful.
I felt so much love, peace, and power.
We were surrounded by so many people we love.
We felt different after. We were still us, but somehow stronger because we were bound together through such a sacred covenant in the Lord's house.
I was so happy with how our wedding turned out. I loved my dress. I loved the flowers. The luncheon was delicious. The reception was so fun and beautiful....but the temple....The temple was what mattered, and the temple was perfect.
I am seriously so happy I get to spend eternity with my best friend.
"I thank God for marriage. I thank God for temple. I thank God for the glorious sealing power, that power which transcends all that we have been given, through which our marriages may become eteral."- Elder Packer
This time of year is so special! I am loving all the videos and messages the church has made to share the Christmas message. This one has gotten me thinking a lot. The older I get, the more and more I realize how desperately I need a Savior. Then, the more and more grateful I am to know that I have one, Jesus Christ.
As I was scrolling through the photos on my computer I came across this one of Miles as a baby. I could die, he is the cutest ever!
Speaking of babies.... Late one night we somehow got on the subject of what our kids will look like one day. So of course we dowloaded an app to our phones that calculated what our children will look like, and surprisingly we will have an asian little girl!
A few weekends back my parents drove my car from Utah to San Francisco so that I could have my car here, then they flew home. They were able to stay a few days and explore the city with us, we had so much fun with those old folks ;)
At the very top of my San Francisco bucket list was to arm wrestle the mechanical wrestler from one of the scenes of Princess Diaries. The game is inside of an awesome 20th century penny arcade museum on Fisherman's Warf, we decided to check it out with my parents one evening. This place is such a gem! We spent hours and lots of quarters playing all the games. Miles transformed into a 10 year old boy and insisted that he had to play every single baseball game, he loved it more than anyone. I think everyone needs to come here. It was so fun to see what was actually entertaining to people who didn't have computers and smart phones back in the day. This penny arcade is full of fortune telling/belly laughing dummies, ski ball, pin ball machines, love testers, test strengthening machines, and so much more!
Of course since my Dad was there, he documented it all. He brings a whole new meaning to PAPArazzi, and we love him for it.
(Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway have both touched that hand!!!!)
When you come to visit us in San Francisco, we will surely take you to Musee Mecanique as part of the tour.
Well, our sandwich life as we know it is over. A delicious new chapter has begun, thanks to Little Lucas in South San Francisco. We are currently in a state of blissful euphoria from the Ultimate Club that we just ate. Seriously, fly to San Francisco just for this sandwich people!!!
Crunchy fresh bread, loads of freshly cut meats and cheeses, fresh veggies, and a roasted garlic spread that has changed our lives and breath forever.
“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”
After so many years, I am grateful that our friendship caught fire.
This week has been an adventure. I have been a applying to jobs, going to interviews, basically just chipping away at my fairly small comfort zone.
Public transportation...this is new! In Utah I never took public transportation, really the only experience I have had with it is the couple times I have been to DC and once every few years at Christmas time when we ride the traxs around Salt Lake. So, moving to San Francisco and figuring out how to get around via train, bus, uber, ect, is crazy!
Monday I went to a job interview in the city and had a semi-traumatic time getting lost on my way home. It was cold, I was hungry, I was in a scary place with seriously the roughest people I have ever seen, and my phone battery died. Not a good combo. I made it home and vowed I would not be taking the train alone ever again.
Tuesday I got a hefty parking ticket and vowed I would never drive again....soooo, what's a girl to do?
I have faced the fact that I need to embrace this public transportation thing. So, I have made a list of reasons I love it.
1 - People watching. You see literally every type of person on the train. Students, old people, families, business people, homeless people, all the people. It helps me keep an open mind, and people are just really entertaining.
2- It's cheap. No chance of $90 parking tickets.
3- It's part of the city experience, and I want to soak it up while we are here.
(Me being excited, not terrified about my train experience..)
I had an interesting experience on the train today. There was a pretty rough looking guy sitting across the isle from me. He was talking pretty loudly and so I had no choice but to listen to the conversation he was having with the man next to him. It went a little something like this....
Gabe: " Dude, have you ever been to church? "
Friend: " No, have you?"
Gabe: "I just started going a few weeks ago, it's the best! Seriously, finding faith in Christ is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Have you ever prayed? It actually works!!!!"
Friend: " Nice man..." (gets off the train...)
I found this conversation pretty awesome and strange because usually it's just silence on the train...you don't usually hear people talking about how jazzed they are about the gospel! So Gabe must have noticed me ease dropping on his conversation because he came and sat next to me and introduced himself. He said, "Hey, did you know that Jesus Christ loves you?" I told him I did, and for the next few minutes we shared with each other our testimonies of the gospel. This guy has experienced and done a lot of bad things, but to hear his excitement and love for what the gospel has recently done for him was beautiful and a great reminder for me. The gospel is truly for everyone.
He shared with me a scripture from Ephesians and I shared with him this 'Because of Him' video. For the rest of the day I felt so happy and gained a renewed excitement to share the gospel everywhere I go. I'm trying to paint my little black missionary badge on my heart.
So, thank you public transportation for that little, but meaningful reminder!
Now go watch this video because it is my favorite of ALL TIME.