Besides when we were serving missions, this was the first Thanksgiving away from home for the both of us. We have lived in SF for 3 weeks and will be going home for Christmas in just 3 week, so we couldn't swing a trip home for Thanksgiving this year. We did miss our families, but this first Thanksgiving as a family of two in the city was so great!
We slept in super late, made blueberry muffins (which were a little burnt, we don't know how to use a gas oven!) and then headed out for an adventure.
First stop - Billy Goat Park. We climbed trees and took in the great view.
Next Stop: The mosaic tile stairway. Just a beautiful stairway in a neighborhood, pretty neat. A family from Switzerland offered to take our of course we said yes!
Then, we hit the beach! We were in hats and coats, but I have never spent Thanksgiving on the beach, and let me tell ya, it was not a bad way to spend the holiday. I still can't believe we live here!
By that point, I was getting hangry (angry due to hunger..) and so we stopped by Fisherman's Warf to get me some fish and chips. After paying way too much for some junky fish and chips, the seagulls decided to go all Alfred Hitchcock on me and surrounded me. One landed in my hand with the fish and chips and the other one almost on my head. It was traumatic and I had a really hard time eating my food thinking of all the places those dirty birds had been.
We were planning on being adventurous and trying something Mediterranean or Asian for our Thanksgiving dinner. Trying to make a turkey for just the two of us didn't sound that fun. We called around to all the restaurants in the area and only found one restaurant open, the Arabian Sky. When we got there it was cold, had bad lighting, and was full of middle easterners staring at us wondering what we were doing there. Any other day I would have been excited to try something new, but for some reason all the homesickness hit me at once and all I could think about was how much I wanted a real thanksgiving dinner. So, Miles being the patient person he is, let me have a mini melt down and we left the restaurant. We kept driving around to try to find a restaurant that was open, but everything was dark. Just when we were about the throw in the towel and go home for cereal, we reached Powell St. We parked the car and started walking. There she was! All warm and cozy on the corner, Roxanne's Cafe. The sign in the window said they were serving Thanksgiving dinner. (MIRACLE) We went inside and had a cozy, delicious, well lit, Thanksgiving dinner. We sat by the window and watched the trolly cars roll down the street and talked about funny Thanksgiving memories and what we are thankful for. It was perfect. Thank you Raxanne's Cafe for saving Thanksgiving!
After dinner we headed home and set up the Christmas tree. We finished off the day by watching the Thanksgiving episodes of Community and Gilmore Girls, our favorites.
I'm so thankful for so many things this year. I am grateful for the trials and learning experiences I have had this year. I am also grateful for the miracles and countless blessings that have been showered on me this year. I am grateful for Matt Miles, because he is the happiest and best thing that has ever happened to my life. I am thankful for my supportive family and friends. I'm grateful for adventures and experiences that rip me out of my comfort zone and make me grow. I'm grateful for burgers, cherry ice cream, and a washer & dryer for my house. I'm grateful for stretchy pants, Target, and pickels. I'm grateful for friendly people and dance parties in the kitchen. I'm grateful to live in America.. I'm grateful for facetime!! I am grateful for the scriptures. & above all, I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ, whom I owe every bit of thanks for my happiness and blessings.
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!!