The week before my birthday I decided to bite the bullet and finally have my deviated septum surgery. I hadn't been able to breath out of my nose for years, so they went in and cleared it out and made it so I can breathe out of my nose. (what a beautiful thing!!) It made me pretty sick though. The doctors said it would be a couple day recovery, but since I'm a very special girl, it took much longer than that. I had my flight all booked to go see Miles in SF for my birthday weekend and I was NOT going to miss that. So, the morning of my flight I was wondering if I was going to be well enough to go, I was all sorts of emotional...but I went and didn't even barf on the plane like I was expecting. :) (MIRACLE)

While on the airplane, I sat next to the nicest woman who asked me about my trip. I explained that I was flying out to see my boyfriend who I knew would soon be my fiancé. (I knew Miles had the ring, it was my birthday, we had a temple date, there were no surprises.) Anyway, this woman was the sweetest ever and offered to drive me to the bart station where I could meet Miles so I wouldn't have to ride in scary Oakland alone. (MIRACLE)
Miles and I hadn't seen each other in a month. It was 5:00pm, rush hour, there were a million people in the train station, I got off the train, and there he was! We ran and hugged and it felt like we were in a scene from a movie as people rushed around us. Ahhhh. (MIRACLE! Love is a miracle!)
Miles had been living in an Airbnb with a bunch of strangers, so I didn't exactly have a place to stay and hotels were about $300 a night in the city, yikes. Thankfully, Miles has a mission friend who lives in SF and let me stay with him and his wife for free! (MIRACLE)
We had so much fun exploring the city together. I was worried that I would be an anxiety case and not like San Francisco, but thankfully I felt so at peace and had an automatic love for the area. (MIRACLE)
On Saturday, my birthday, we went to breakfast and went apartment shopping. A woman contacted Miles from Craigslist and asked us to come see her house. I will tell more of this story in another post. Turns out it was another (MIRACLE!)
I had a pretty good idea that Miles would propose on my birthday, I just didn't know when! We had reservations at a great sea food restaurant called Scomas for dinner. We got dressed up and headed into the city for dinner, or so I thought. We ended up going to the Golden Gate Bridge first. Okay, if you haven't been to San Francisco and seen the Golden Gate Bridge, put it on your list of MUST SEES. Seriously, it's just a bridge, but it is amazingly beautiful and breathtaking. We drove across the bridge and up to Battery Spencer which has a great view of the bridge and the city in the background. We took a couple photos and took in the view, then headed back to the car to go to dinner....but wait...Miles went down the wrong trail where no one else was! He was fiddling with his bag and being a little weird, and then it hit me, he is doing it NOW!
Me being awkward as I am says, "Wait are you doing this now?" He said yes. We hugged and kissed, he told me some really cute and special things, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said YES! He gave me the most beautiful ring that there ever has been. It was so happy.
Across the way was a group of people who had been watching us. After we were done they were all cheering and yelling, it was hilarious. Then, these two older guys walk over and are like "what is going on! let us take some pictures of you!" This video was the result. I'm so grateful for those old men from Baltimore for helping us document the moment.
After the proposal, we went back to the car and called my Mom obviously. We went to a great dinner and to ice cream at Ghirardelli square. What a dream! I remember that my face hurt from smiling and every few minutes we would look at each other and say, "ahhh, we are engaged!!!"
So, there it was. We were engaged looking over the most beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in the city that we would soon call our home. Every time I see the golden gate bridge I will think of that day and the greatest adventure that started there. I'm so glad to have Matt Miles. He knows me the best and loves me the most. Life is so much more exciting, happy, and adventurous with him in it.
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