
Sunday, August 14, 2016

little letters

dear weekends,
i love you. i wish you could stay forever.

dear neighbors,
your music is so loud my house is rattling. but i did accidentally hit your car while pulling out of the driveway this week and you didn't mind, so i'll forgive you too.

dear costco,
you're the best. you must think i'm the best too because i spend so much money whenever we are together.

dear fog,
don't you know it's summer?

dear succulents,
I can't believe you are still alive. you get no sunlight and i hardly ever water you. way to go.

dear pacifica police department,
i'm sorry our ping-pong family home evening night at the bishop's house got so intense that you had to come over to tell us to be quiet...ha!

dear san francisco,
thanks for the adventure!



  1. I love your little letter blogs and the details abou garlic!
    Love to you and Miles

  2. My sunless, water-less succulents should be friends with yours.
