
Monday, March 28, 2016

burger quest: Pearl's

We are on an eternal quest to find the best burger.
We have tried several here in SF that were all just okay. That is, until we went to Pearl's Deluxe Burgers. Not only did they have a very tasty burger, but they had the best onion rings we have ever had. Ever. I also liked the fact that they had homemade pickle spears to eat with your meal. I took 3.
Now if we could just convince California that they need to serve fry sauce! We always have to make our own.

happy happy happy

My very best friend Jenna made this video for us of our wedding day. (Isnt' she the best??) It is my favorite thing ever and I have watched it a million times already.

I know we have only been married for 5 months, but I already feel like I can look back at our wedding day and say, "I loved you then, but I really had no idea!"
I had no idea back then how happy we would be together and how much being married would change my perspective on life. Matt Miles is the kindest person I know. Being married to him was the best decision I will ever make.


I love Easter for so many reasons.
Cadbury Eggs. Deviled Eggs. Flowers.
Something I have especially come to love in the recent years is the videos that the church makes around easter time. I love how my Facebook and Instagram feed is flooded with messages of Christ and the hope that my friends receive from Him. It is refreshing in a time where everything in the world can seem so sad.

I want the world to know that I believe in Jesus Christ.
I know that His story is not just ancient history or some sort of fairytale. He is alive today.
I know from experience that if we rely on Him, we can find new life. We can accomplish much more than we could ever do on our own with his strength. He is my Savior and my brother and I love Him.

I find so much peace in this broken world knowing that all will be made right through the Atonement of Christ.

Because of Him I have so much reason to rejoice.

Lake Tahoe.

A few weekends back we decided to leave the city and go find snow. It's funny because all of our lives our spring trips have involved leaving home to get away from the snow! We headed up to Lake Tahoe to ski. Miles is a snowboarder and I have skied, so I helped come to his senses and try skiing. He is clearly a lot more coordinated than me, because after his first 2 runs he was already better than me! Not a shocker. We skied at the Homewood resort which was absolutely beautiful! This was my first time at Lake Tahoe and now I understand all of the "keep Tahoe blue" bumper stickers I keep seeing everywhere. Lake Tahoe is SO blue and amazing! The lodge of the resort was right next to the water, so as we skied down the mountain it felt like we were going to ski into this big beautiful blue lake. The first half of the day was clear and beautiful but then it got stormy so we called it quits and went and explored Tahoe city. 

It was such a nice weekend to get away from the crazy of the city and spend some time together in the mountains!

Lake Tahoe, we will definitely be back soon!

Here is a video from our trip. Excuse my shaky hands...I was a little excited I guess?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

busy season survivors.

Miles is finished up with busy season so I have a husband back. I like that.
Life is happy, busy, and full of good food.
(like seriously you should come visit us and eat with us.)

Bring Your Own Cup.

I have a new favorite holiday to add to my list.
Bring Your Own Cup Day at 7-Eleven.
March 19.
If your cup can fit through a 10 inch hole, you can fill it up.

This year's cups of choice: a hollowed out pineapple & a vase.

7-Eleven, thanks for the new holiday.
Slurpees for everyone!